Submit a Tip
Do you have information that can help us solve a crime? The people that know more about Payne County is its residents. You may have information that will help the Payne County Sheriff’s Office solve a crime, save a person’s life, or simply make our county a safer more enjoyable place to live.
Do not use this form to notify us of a current crime. Please call 911 or (405) 372-4522.
Press Releases
The Dangers of Leaving Pets and Children in Hot Cars in Oklahoma - 7/14/2023
The Payne County Sheriff's Office is warning the community about the grave dangers of leaving pets and children unattended in vehicles during hot summer days. As temperatures soar in Oklahoma, it is essential to understand the potentially fatal consequences of this irresponsible act.
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County's Most Wanted

Phillip Lee German

Trey Buntin

Christopher Cox